CQC inspection statistics 23 September 2015

1061 services inspected (as reported on CQC website 23/09/2015)

Rated Outstanding                                            14               1%

Rated Good                                                         613             57%

Rated Requires Improvement                        355             35%

Rated Inadequate                                                79               7%

Analysis of statistics since October 2014 to August 2015

Homes rated good or Outstanding                                        59%

Homes rated requires improvement or inadequate           41

In the past 2 months we have seen a large increase in the number of services requiring emergency audit/action plans in response to  CQC inspection failings.  The common findings from our audits are as follows: –

Medication – Policy out of date – check NICE Guidelines and review, PRN medication, Covert Meds, Documentation in general,  lack of stock checks, BF and CF stock totals on MAR Sheets – lack of proper audit.

MCA – Capacity Assessments, Best interest decision making and recording, Staff understanding and application of the MCA in practice.

DoLS – recording of expiry dates, conditions attached to the authorisation, staff awareness of any conditions, inclusion of the details within the care plans.

Health and Safety – General Risk Assessment, Fire signage, emergency contingency planning, Legionella and water testing, Fire Risk Assessment rectifications.

Care Planning – task orientated, insufficient care plans and risk assessments,  lack of personalisation, lack of meaningful activities themed to personalised goals.

Food, Nutrition and Target Fluid Intake Monitoring

Unsubstantiated Staffing levels – (dependancy ratio’s and Mental Health weighting calculations to evidence safe staffing requirements)

Lack of Accident and Incident analysis, risk management and care plan adjustments as a result, communication of changes to practice and shared learning outcomes

Lack of pro-active referrals to MD team of Specialists such as GP, CPN,  SALT, Dietitian, OT, PHYSIO, TVN etc.,