Has your service been rated as Good but you want to achieve Outstanding?

Has your service been rated as Needs Improvement?  but you need help to see how to develop and innovate to improve the rating?

If so –  or if you have any other development needs why not book one of our new Quality Development inspections?  We have launched our comprehensive 2 day mock inspection based on The CQC’s KLOE’s, and covering all five domains of inspection.

Following on from our 2 day inspection, we provide a comprehensive Service Development and Innovation report, this highlights any areas in which your Care Services can develop, enhance or improve and if followed, assists with the enhancement or creation of your organisational vision,mission, business plan and PIR (when requested).

We recommend, now more than ever before, that providers are proactive in their quest to evidence continuous service development, and, provided that our recommendations are implemented and followed up on, this report aids the achievement of Good or Outstanding ratings with The CQC.

If you would like more information then please do send us an email to enquiries@proriskcare.co.uk or  better still give us a call on 01273 276096 for an informal, no obligation chat.

Keys to care is a simple but very effective tool that any care home can usefully utilise during induction training or when working towards care certificates.